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azalea the black

a journey to the center of an under-achieving bad girl!

Monday, May 08, 2006

I can't jump on EVERY bandwagon!

At the age of 44, I've had to prioritize my issues.

Atheism happens to be my #1. I'm slowly paving the way to a documentary (or at least the occasional blog!) on the subject.

I started out spreading the word of Pantheism and Tolerance, but it seems the tolerance movement is getting nowhere.

The Fundamentalists have taken what little faith I had & torn it to shreds, and that has made it easier to plunge on in where no proper lady dare go:

All religions are the inventions of man, and it's fucking ridiculous to expect to educate our children, encourage them to expand their horizons by reading, and learning, and then simultaneously expect them to believe that Jesus was born from a virgin, died to SAVE US FROM HELL, then rose again, having already paid for our sins, etc, etc, etc.

I only want to ask that if you want to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, then you should continually study his words, say his prayers, and pay attention to the things he said the most!

1. Jesus always stressed LOVE.

2. Jesus encouraged us to not worry about the morals of others.

3. "In my father's house there are many mansions..." think about what that might mean.

Drop your old testament. Once Jesus came, his word had authority over the old testament laws. You cannot teach us this on one day and then bring up shit like homosexuality, witchcraft, and tattos the next saying "It's an abomination!!".

Pick a side and stay there.

Stop worshipping the words of Paul. He is responsible for the very first widespread heresy. Read it. Then read every word attributed to Jesus Christ. It's not the same.

St. John the Divine was exiled on the island of Patmos, I think, for heresy when he is purported to have had the Revelations, which are either a. happening all the time, like an unending loop of time , space, good, and evil. or b. have proven time and time again to be real. Can't you see how the prophecies have already played out, and don't you understand that the end could be any day now? or c. the delusional ramblings of a skitzo holy man, isolated from everyone. Hell, I'd probably have visions too!

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