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azalea the black

a journey to the center of an under-achieving bad girl!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I can't get on myspace!!!

Hey Kids, remember me?
I'm afraid I've neglected you in order to spend time with your more popular cousin, myspace. I'm sorry. I know I let your secret out to too many people, but since then, I got to thinking, maybe I SHOULDN'T tell the internet things I wouldn't even tell, say, my son!
Maybe the ability to feel secrets is one of the only things that really separate us from our kin, the apes. You know, like REGRET, for example. I doubt gorillaz or chimpanzeez feel regret. But pretty much everyone I've ever talked to on the subject has felt regret. It's not just me.
Maybe the ability to KEEP a secret is one of those EVEN higher levels of evolution. You know personality/mental health/compatibility tests always ask something about how well you can keep a secret so maybe it's like that.

Sorry, I lost my train of thought because I just watched the almost-complete video & IT ROCKS!!! We're all gonna be RICH! Haha. No, maybe someone can help the WM3, and others like them. That's all I've thought about for days...
aza the Black!!~!


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