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azalea the black

a journey to the center of an under-achieving bad girl!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

2. There's no way to prepare for the Wrath of God.

So many people from the coast are now declaring their collective mistrust of the "government."
Hello, my newly jaded brothers & sisters.
The Rich White Men In Charge have done the best they could. It's not their fault that no one can be prepared for a catastrophic act of nature.
My question is "You're practicing your freedom of speech, and I'm sure proud so many well-spoken black AND white southerners are doing so, but how can you still trust God?"
Everybody claims and clings to God, or their faith, for getting through tough times.
I only ever felt abandoned by God in tough times.
When I still believed in God, I hurt all the TIME for being so...disappointed in him. I gradually stopped trying to please him and trying to find him and trying to praise him when he obviously cared so little for his creations, including yo's truly, until slowly, I realized I was actually better off without him (or her).

Natives always have the best ideas. For instance, in tropical climes, native folks around coastal areas lived in GRASS HUTS. They are cheap, biodegradable, and easily replaced. Like after a hurricane.
They also gave their gods things they really had, like blood, sweat, sex, and animals, i guess. But hardly ever money. Maybe you gotta tithe for the right to learn about hell.
But I digress.
No, not even the great Democracy, the USA, with it's wealth, "family values" & military might, can defend itself against Mother Nature. But there's no need to plan an invasion of this enemy.
We're already killing her.



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